Analyze ESG Data

Experience the power of knowledge graphs and domain specific search

ESG environmental social governance

Stay on Top with ESG

 Analyze public data (news, social, etc.) for an outside-in-view of risk and opportunities

Improve Portfolio Performance

Manage Portfolio Risk

Spot Opportunities for Investment


risk vs opportunity, ESG Finance

Unstructured Data Volumes
Current Search Methods

Exploding volumes of ESG text are a challenge to current search and analysis methods.

Automatically created Knowledge graphs from Text are source of valuable insights and integrate seamlessly into enterprise BI and Decision support applications. 


Knowledge Graph created from ESG text

ESG Ontology and Taxonomy drive the extraction of domain specific facts from the text. These facts are loaded into the graph database to create the Knowledge Graph.  

Knowledge Graph supports Search interface, Query API and Alert interface. 

knowledge graph graph query API
semantic search semantic knowledge graph

Domain Specific Search

Being domain specific, knowledge graph powered TextDistil Search produces accurate and verifiable answers and handles the surging volumes of text effectively. TextDistil improves analysis by narrowing down the scope of exploration and synthesizing disparate yet relevant data.


Daily ESG sentiment or event alerts inform about companies’ constantly changing ESG profile.  Alerts are triggered against thresholds on property values of entities. 

Query API

Query-API to the Knowledge Graph is enabled through SPARQL Interface, which is readily integrated into BI and other downstream applications.

Sample Use Cases

Private Equity

Private equity analyst in analyzing ESG data (a corpus of articles, documents, submissions, etc.) encounters opportunity signals asking about companies’ capital deployments in the space

Portfolio Management

A Portfolio Manager asking about climate claims discovers important ESG signals (in a corpus of articles, documents, submissions, etc.) that might help in developing insights into rebalancing a portfolio.

TextDistil – Robust Cognition Pipeline powering our solutions

TextDistil is built using state-of-the-art large language models and semantic technology

Our ESG Ontology supports custom models which are trained on large Climate and Finance terminologies and taxonomies.